3. Make Your Booking
Once you have contacted the studio/artist, they will send you a link to book your session. Here you can follow the steps, to find an available date/time for you session and pay your deposit (50%). The site accepts paypal or credit/debit card payments and this deposit will be put towards the final cost of you tattoo. To find out more about deposit security and how they work click here.
When booking your tattoo session, please ensure that you select the correct artist from the "Staff Menu" drop down menu (See below). If you don't do this, you may book with the wrong artist, and this will result in the loss of your deposit. We also recommend that you double check this before you confirm the booking, just to be safe.

All the artist's diaries are live linked to the booking system. If the date/time isn't visible, this means the session is not available. When booking appointments, we like to ask for clients to take either the first or last available slots for the required day to allow us to better fill our diaries. However, we understand that this is not alway possible and appreciate our clients booking with us in mind.